Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Salt, Oil & Seasonings Class

Eating savory, flavorful food can make our meals so satisfying. Isn’t it great that with a few extra items in our food storage and a little knowledge, we can make hundreds of combinations of savory foods – like the ones we get at the grocery store in the foil packets. After this class, not having a foil packet on hand doesn’t matter! You can make up many mixes ahead of time, saving you the thinking process at that last moment.
Besides seasoning mixes (that skip out on preservatives and pack a huge punch of flavor!) there will be information given on which oils are best and why – how to then use that oil to make your food fun, such as homemade mayonnaise with great flavor.
Herbs of course are a huge part of making any meal tasty so information will be taught on how to grow, harvest and store your own along with suggestions on which herbs work best in certain foods.
If that’s not enough, you will also get to learn how to make herbed vinegars (there are lots of options here) to use as a base in salad dressings, marinades and even drinks. Plan on coming with room in your tummy so you can taste these fun ideas and see what you would like to use for your family. Just a short list of recipes included in this class are: Taco Seasoning Mix (and how to make a meal in a bag with it!), Dry Onion Soup Mix (like the Lipton Soup), Mayo and Herbed Mayo, Bruschetta, Ranch Salad Packet, Tartar Sauce, Rosemary Mint Ginger Ale, Curry Powder and Spaghetti Seasoning Mix (just add to tomato sauce).

Cost is $20.00 and class will run about 2 hours.

As a host for this class you will receive (in addition to coming for free!) a taco seasoning mix, several envelopes of homemade Onion Soup Mix, a jar of homemade mayonnaise, a jar of raspberry vinaigrette dressing, and Bruschetta.

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